Report Redesign

Offered LIVE October 7 - 10, 2024

I used to write hundred-page reports...

I was trained to write lengthy reports filled with statistical jargon. Important information that sat around and gathered dust.

Now, I design reports that people actually want to read.

Fewer paragraphs. More graphs. My audience can understand the information, so the data actually gets used.

Reports aren't supposed to feel daunting.

We’ll walk through my Report Redesign Pyramid, a step-by-step process that you can apply to your own projects.


What's Included

  • Live course. We'll meet live over Zoom on October 7 - 10, 2024, from 1-4:30 pm Eastern each day. That's a 2-day course, but delivered in half-day chunks. Learn more about the schedule.
  • Step-by-step instructions for transforming Dusty Shelf Reports into digestible docs and one-pagers. Skim the agenda to see what's covered.
  • Case studies from your colleagues with Quick Wins and Not-So-Quick Wins. Check out the real-life case studies.
  • Guest speakers who specialize in sketchnoting and breathwork. Read about those experts here.
  • Office Hours every other week throughout 2024 and 2025 -- 25+ Q&A sessions each year! See what type of support you'll receive in live Q&As.
  • Ebook with checklists and case studies. More.
  • Captions added to all recordings from our live sessions. More.
  • Private Data Vizards community of fellow participants. More.
  • Certificates of Completion to help you build your resume. More.
  • Lifetime access so you don't feel rushed.
  • Examples from a variety of industries (program evaluation, public health, grantmaking, K12 education, juvenile justice, museums, and more).

You can also see what participants are saying, learn about the instructor, skim the FAQs, and register for the live course.


Course Dates

By popular demand, this course is being delivered live (!).

Here's our schedule:

  • Monday, October 7, 2024 from 1 - 4:30 pm Eastern
  • Tuesday, October 8, 2024 from 1 - 4:30 pm Eastern
  • Wednesday, October 9, 2024 from 1 - 4:30 pm Eastern
  • Thursday, October 10 2024 from 1 - 4:30 pm Eastern

I'll demonstrate a skill, and then you'll immediately practice it and ask questions as you get stuck. I'll demo, you'll practice. And so on.

We'll have 10 minute breaks every hour (i.e., learn from 1-1:50, then break from 1:50-2).

The last 30 minutes of each class is additional Q&A time (i.e., learn from 1 - 4, then Q&A from 4 - 4:30).



Here's a birds'-eye view of what you'll learn and practice live with me.

Module 1: Go Beyond the Report

You'll learn how to:

  • match your dissemination format's complexity to your audience;
  • follow the 30-3-1 approach;
  • design a one-pager with my eight ingredients; and
  • choose which findings to include in a one-pager.

Module 2: Structure Your Report

You'll learn how to:

  • start with the "so what?"
  • use landscape for on-screen reading;
  • add a 20-minute cover;
  • visually chunk the content with color-coded dividers; and
  • apply a text hierarchy.

Module 3: Design Each Page

You'll learn how to:

  • aim for 1+ visual per page;
  • add 15+ different styles of visuals using my checklist;
  • lower the reading grade level of your writing;
  • add inclusive language; and
  • use people-first language.

Case Studies

Let's look at real-life case studies from your colleagues! In these lessons, you'll see me talking through (1) what they're already doing well and (2) quick wins.

Case studies include:

  • Bob's All-Text Weekly Report (18 min)
  • Cathy's Two-Pager in PowerPoint (46 min)
  • Christine's Full-Length Report (45 min)
  • Diane's One-Page Annual Report (15 min)
  • Miriam's Column Charts (33 min)
  • Sharon's "Shell" for Data Briefs (22 min)
  • One-Pagers from Bob & Christine (57 min)
  • Sharon's Report on Youth Suicide (35 min)
  • Maria's Qualitative Data & Icon Arrays from an Evaluation Report (49 min)
  • Kristin W.'s Icon Arrays, Pie Charts, and Overlapping Bar Charts (52 min)
  • Arthur's Transition from PDFs to One-Pagers or Web-Based Reports (34 min)
  • Additional Case Studies from the 2020 Cohort's Graduation Party (22 min)
  • Additional Case Studies from the 2021 Cohort's Graduation Party (36 min)


Guest Speakers

You can watch these bonus lessons from guest experts:

  • Sketchnoting with Emily Mills (56 min)
  • Breathwork with Kathleen Oh (1 hr 38 min)

Office Hours

Want me to review your drafts? Stuck trying to apply the lessons to your real-world dataset? Submit your questions to Office Hours! Your tuition includes all the Office Hours in 2024 and 2025. That's 25+ Q&A sessions in a small group setting each year.


Additional Support


You'll get a license to download our 67-page ebook, which contains our 7 Ingredients for Designing One-Pagers, Checklist of 15+ Ideas for Visuals, and additional reporting case studies.


After each of the live classes, we add auto-generated captions to the videos and upload them to the course website.

Private Data Vizards Community

Our LinkedIn group is a great place to connect with colleagues, post drafts, get feedback from each other.

Certificates of Completion

Wow your boss and boost your resume.


What Participants Are Saying

10,000+ participants from around the globe have taken our online courses since 2018.

Here's how those researchers, evaluators, scientists, and professors are describing this course.

"I cannot believe how much the look and feel of my reports improved after taking Report Redesign. Ann's suggestions are simple to implement, yet truly take your reports to the next level. I loved the opportunity to share my work and get feedback from others in the class (and vice versa), and the ability to access a full year of office hours is a huge bonus. I've taken most of Ann's classes and this one was my favorite. I would recommend Report Redesign for anyone who wants to provide visually appealing reports without having to to hire a graphic designer."

- Maia Werner-Avidon, Principal Evaluator, MWA Insights

"This course helped me create more engaging reports. It was easy to apply many of the simple and impactful design ideas I learned in this course. My colleagues and clients noticed the difference, in a good way."

- Gerda Zonruiter, Senior Research and Evaluation Consultant, Centre for Organizational Effectiveness (CfOE)

"This course helped me to think more holistically about how to create reports that are user-friendly. The course is best for professionals who want to up their game in terms of data visualization strategies and making sure the reports are easy to read and understand for the people who will read them. Highly recommend!"

- Sarah Underwood, Evaluation & Learning Consultant, Underwood Strategic Insight

"Thank you to Ann K. Emery. I have learned so much from her courses , blogs, and presentations. Three times last week my team got enthusiastic reviews from clients about our engaging and readable reports!.. And no, I am not an affiliate. Just a happy student."

- Ann Price, Owner and President, Community Evaluation Solutions, Inc.

"I had an incredible experience with Report Redesign. I really enjoyed attending office hours, Ann goes above and beyond helping with individual questions. The office hours made a significant difference in my learning by watching her work through real examples. The clear guidance and video resources provided made complex concepts easy to understand and broke them down into simple concepts. I also appreciated having access to recordings of past sessions and practical examples, which helped reinforce my understanding."

- Melissa Taylor, Epidemiologist, Wyoming Department of Health

"Investing in the Report Redesign course from Depict Data Studio was one of the best decisions I have made in my career. Before the course, I was writing long, wordy reports that I thought were visually appealing because I included tables and bar charts; I had no idea the options I had within software I already had access to.

Now, I create impactful one-pagers and reports that are visually appealing and even more importantly, get read by my colleagues. I know that there are more than 15 types of visuals to include in reports, how to utilize my company's brand to my advantage, and more. I have been complimented on the new look of my reports by coworkers and external stakeholders, and continue to have "aha" moments of how I can continue to apply Ann's advice as access to the course never expires.

I cannot recommend this course enough. Thanks Ann and Depict Data Studio!"

- Olivia Power, Data and Reporting Specialist, National FFA Organization

"I was an ED for a small nonprofit. We had a serious marketing/branding problem when I came on board. There was NO strategy whatsoever. I enrolled in Ann's course because I had taken one of her Excel classes previously and knew I liked her teaching style.

At first, I wanted to learn how to brand all of our presentations (due to COVID everything we presented was now over Zoom or other virtual platform). I learned how to pull colors from our logo and use them in PowerPoints. I learned how to make an annual report tell our story visually rather than blah, blah, blah. I started having FUN and . . . we started receiving attention. A local winery said they saw something we had done recently on line and wanted to know if they could recognize our efforts by donating a portion of proceeds from their hottest selling wine to us on the upcoming Saturday. Um, well, YES!

Our website was getting a face lift, people commented on our FB page. I was invited to a (in person) city council meeting to explain what we do for the community. That led to more and more people understanding the organization. Previously, we pretty much had only been recognized for one particular program and that was all we were known for. We won a grant to initiate a large-scale human services survey. I was able to rock the grant report with charts and graphs!

I like this work so much, I am now hiring myself out to help others."

- Bonnie Fulford, Nonprofit Consultant/Virtual Assistant, Grant Weaver Communications, LLC

"I work in a large urban school district as a Strategic Data Analyst and as the local evaluation partner for a preschool site. I’ve followed Ann for many years and have shared the Data Visualization Checklist widely. However, I enjoyed and learned so much more by taking the Report Redesign course.

While enrolled in Fall 2020, I redesigned my more traditional portrait-oriented Microsoft Word report into a more infographic-style landscape report designed in PowerPoint. The re-designed annual report went over very well with our site leadership and our advisory board; it even strongly assisted in getting this preschool site invited to apply for a very large, 3-year grant…along with a few others!

Now, they want the next annual report asap …they can’t wait for more! Besides the “big things” we focused on in the course, I loved the live sessions, recorded feedback videos, and Office Hours. I picked up so many tips and tricks for Excel and PowerPoint that I use in my daily work. It was a great experience."

- Jodi G. Fender, Strategic Data Analyst & Local Evaluation Partner, Long Beach Unified School District

"Many of us who work in a non-profit or educational settings serve in a variety of roles, including back of the house data analysis, board reporting, public engagement, and educational outreach. Report Redesign gave me the tools and -- more importantly, the perspectives -- I needed to increase my skills in all of these areas. Ann's combination of technical know-how and design sense makes for a powerful learning experience. As we move through and past Covid, strong engagement with all of our stakeholders is more important than ever. You won't regret your investment."

- Bob Coulter, Director, Litzsinger Road Ecology Center

"Before this course, I was visualizing data in all the wrong ways. We had such compelling data, but it wasn't telling a story-- it wasn't coming alive. Ann's course really helped me transform my data and reports. I utilize the skills from this course every day-- when developing reports and papers, doing dashboards for my team, and presentations. I have begun to develop a reputation within my department, as well as from other departments, for making compelling reports and having a knack for data visualization. In turn, I always recommend this course. This course has even helped me become better at data analytics and even data collection and survey writing, because you can better visualize the data that you want to see. The course has been an amazing resource, and the fact that you have access to it indefinitely is astounding. If you're on the fence, take the leap! It's worth it!"

- Padraic Stanley, Program Coordinator, Rush University Medical Center

"This course totally transformed the way I do reports. I was trained in the 'wall of text' format, and now when I see reports like that, I cringe. I have made creating accessible, engaging reports central to how I market myself, and it's all thanks to this course!"

- Ellen Wilson, Evaluation consultant, Insight Evaluation


About the Instructor

Your Instructor

Ann K. Emery
Ann K. Emery

Ann K. Emery is an internationally-acclaimed speaker who equips organizations to get their data out of dusty spreadsheets and into real-world conversations.

Each year, she delivers over 100 keynotes, workshops, and webinars with the aim of equipping organizations to visualize data more effectively.

She has been invited to speak in 31 states and 11 countries; 10,000 people have enrolled in her online training academy; and she has consulted to 200 organizations, including the United Nations, Centers for Disease Control, and Harvard University.

She earned a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Virginia and a Master’s degree from George Mason University.

After traveling full-time as a digital nomad, Ann now resides in Florida along with her husband and five children.



Frequently Asked Questions

Is this course asynchronous, or live?
It's entirely live! You'll get Zoom links for our October 2024 course. Later, you'll also get Zoom links for our live Office Hours sessions. As an added bonus, there are asynchronous lessons, too. You'll get access to recorded lessons with guest speakers and case studies.
What if I can't make the live sessions?
We post the recordings to the course website immediately. We add auto-generated captions to the recordings, too.
Are there any prerequisites?
This is a reporting class, not a dataviz best practices or Excel graphing class. We suggest that you complete a half-day or full-day data visualization class first. You'll do best in this training if you're already familiar with customizing graphs for different audiences, choosing the right chart type, and selecting colors and fonts that are branded and accessible.
Which software program are we using?
On Day 1, you'll learn software-agnostic skills that can be applied to any computer program. On Days 2-3, you'll be working inside Word and PowerPoint. On Day 4, we'll discuss case studies from your workplace, so anything goes.
Can I re-watch the class later?
Yes, and you'll get lifetime access to the recordings. "Lifetime" is a tricky word -- you'll get access for the lifetime of the course. As long as I'm offering Report Redesign, you'll get access to the recordings. I update the course every year or two, so you'll always get the latest and greatest version. In other words, the new 'n' improved course will replace the older course.
How long does it take to complete?
The course is the equivalent of a 2-day workshop (but broken into half-day segments). And, you'll be invited to 25+ hour-long Office Hours sessions throughout 2024, and 25+ sessions again through 2025. You *don't* need to complete 100% of the course to be successful. For example, you might choose to watch just some of the case studies that seem most relevant to your own workplace. The typical student attends some, but not all, of the live Office Hours sessions.
Should I hire a graphic designer or take this course?
Have a looming deadline? Hire a design firm. Use this course's tuition towards immediate consulting help. Going to be working on lots of monthly, quarterly, or annual reports? Need to make one-pagers a few times a year? This course is the "teach a human to fish" solution.
A bunch of us want to register. How many people do we need to qualify for a group rate?
Groups of 2-24 people get 25% off. Groups of 25+ get 50% off. Please email [email protected] and let us know the staff members' names and email addresses. Then, our Operations Manager will send you a single invoice with your group rate applied. It'll be much faster for you than enrolling people one at at time.
The registration page is adding sales tax, but my organization is tax-exempt. What should I do?
You can either: (1) pay the sales tax, request a refund from the hosting company (Teachable) later, and get your refund in 4-6 weeks; or (2) email our team at [email protected] and we can send you an invoice through our accounting system without the sales tax.
Oh no! My boss is out of the office, so I'll miss the October 4th registration deadline.
Please email our team ASAP at [email protected]. We'll need to start processing your invoice by October 4th so that you can attend the live class on October 7th.
Will you offer this course again?
Probably, but not in 2024. In 2025, the structure might be different (might be offered as recordings, not live) and the tuition might be higher.
Can we hire you for a private Report Redesign workshop?
Yes, I'd love to provide a workshop just for your team, either virtually or in-person! Please note: My schedule fills 6-12 months in advance, and group rates for online courses will always be more cost-effective than private workshops.


Get started now!